What Are Yoga and Pilates? Yoga Yoga is an ancient form of exercise and well-being that began in India. Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on increasing your body's strength and flexibility. This is accomplished by changing stances. Yoga to Improve the Quality of The Breath , mindfulness, and meditation to help you feel better. A comprehensive yoga session is a total-body workout suitable for people of all fitness levels. Several forms of yoga include a variety of gentle to powerful positions. Hatha, Bikram, Iyengar, and Vinyasa are the most popular yoga styles. A yoga stance is referred to as an asana. The positions (asanas) can be done laying down, standing up, sitting, or upside down. Pilates Pilates is an activity that consists of a sequence of repeated bodily motions. The exercises increase muscle strength, balance, flexibility, and posture. A Pilates session may be designed by an instructor to be simple to demanding and to accommodate all fitness levels. Pilates may be d...